Monday, August 25, 2014

The Spotlight

Unsurprising fact: I've always been shy. Even painfully so when I was little. I hated being the center of attention. I was never one who would initiate conversation. Even the thought of approaching someone scared me. Today, I am just awkward and quiet for the most part, but the shyness is still there.

So, when we, the Speculiars girls got an email from ANC Shoptalk asking us to be a part of the show, my heart did a cartwheel, but my stomach didn't celebrate at all. Cameras and shy people just don't mix-- especially large TV cameras. To add to my anxiety, we found out they need only one of us to be on the live show. Yes, live show. And so, guess who was the only one left without a valid (and convenient! Hmm...) excuse not to be on the show?

Well, for the next few days, I did all I could to calm myself down, which wasn't much. I even joked that we ought to have a backup girl in case I fainted from nervousness. (I was half serious.) But really, it was more important to focus on the bigger picture here, which, of course, was the fact that Speculiars was gonna be on TV! This is something none of us even dreamed of when we started the group. We just wanted to make things, have fun and share them to people. Anyway, to make the long story short: The Day came. I was so nervous. I survived and even had fun in the end.

Pre-show jitters calmed by good company & a muffin :)
With Fran, Iori & Yas a.k.a. Fran's little antlers. Pergy overslept and couldn't make it. Haha!

Awaiting our turn. The studio was an organized chaos! Everyone was nice. There were multiple platforms to accommodate and present each guest, but ours was a shared one so we had to scramble in between commercial breaks to set up the table.

Our logo looking very telegenic

Our turn has come!
We shared the spotlight with Mary of Takatak Project. Apir!

Then, it went by more quickly than I thought. I'm sure some of the nervousness showed on camera, but I was proud that I didn't stutter nor faint. It helped to know that my friends were right there, silently cheering and suppressing all urges to jump up and down. This is my after-the-show-whew-it's-over smile of relief
With host Ria Tanjuatco-Trillo, and Mary Velmonte
(All photos courtesy of Fran Alvarez)

If there's anything I learned from this, it's that opportunities like this will pop up when we least expect it, and I can't be a nervous wreck every time. I just have to remind myself that there is nothing to be afraid of.. Easier said than done, of course, but I'm working on it. :)

P.S.: Please follow Speculiars on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or simply say hi at

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Omnibus Treasury process

As with almost anything I work on, coming up with a solid concept takes much more time than doing the actual work. I blame it on my very wide range of interests, which makes me look into a million different directions before settling on a single idea. But then something happened, and suddenly, I knew what I wanted to do.

Here are my sketches from start to finish:

Almost there...
Final design
image from Light Grey Art Lab

image from Light Grey Art Lab
 I love how they turned out. The guys at LGAL once again did an awesome job!

To see the entire exhibit, head on over to LGAL's

Flickr page
Facebook page
Online shop
Exhibition page

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Light Grey

I am thrilled to announce that I'll be part of another Light Grey Art Lab exhibition. Woohoo!


The Omnibus Treasury
an Illustrated Jewelry Exhibition
Opens May 30th
7 - 10pm
at Light Grey Art Lab
118 E. 26th Street #101
Minneapolis Minnesota 55404

"The month of June will be all about decoration, baubles, and items we have and wear that define who we want to be, or the elements we adorn ourselves with that say a little bit about who we are. We're excited to dip into another medium - transforming 2d elements into 3d treasures. Each artist will be creating a designer collection of jewelry for the Omnibus Treasury. We can't wait!"

Participating Artists:
Angela Rizza
Angela Taguiang
Ann Macarayan
Bridie Cheeseman
Caitlin Clarkson
Camille Chew
Celine Loup
Chelsea Kenna
Delia Evin
Ellen Su
Irena Frietas
Isabel Seliger
Jenessa Kundinger
Jennifer Hom
Jenny Bookler
Joe Lillington
Julia Lavine
Leigh Luna
Lindsay Nohl
Lynn Wang
Meg Hunt
Phoenix Chan
Rachel Wingard
Rebecca Olene
Rose Wong
Shannon May
Stephanie Engel

 After my first encounter with Light Grey, I am SO sure this one is gonna to be another awesome show. Can't wait to get started!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Hues

 ... Because life's too short to waste on the blues. :D

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


To all the lovely people who dropped by our booth:

A massive thanks to you! It means so much when strangers come up to us, appreciate the kind of work we do, and encourage us to keep doing what we do best.

And yes, I realize I haven't blogged in over a year. Now, I return! Hahaha!